Purple white and red flowers.
Our garden is growing. We've raised a Series A funding round.
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dev environments

Spin up consistent, production-like
environments for all stages of delivery.

Develop locally while connected with remote services

No more flimsy local replicas of complex systems. Garden’s cloud environments show your changes exactly as they will appear in production for faster feedback loops and a better developer experience.
Worflow graph

Reduce friction between dev and CI

Using the same tooling for dev and CI keeps workflows and environments consistent and stops the endless cycle of commit, push, wait.
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Garden has greatly increased the productivity of our team both on the product side and the dev side.

Automate execution from source to finish

Garden automates all the steps required to go from zero to running a system which means your environments work the same way, every time (all the time).
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With Garden, things are stable.
When you start your environment it builds the backend image for you and it's clean. Every time you run the developer environment, it is guaranteed to work.
Anna Yan
Software Engineer, Retool
Obligate logo

How Obligate relies on Garden’s cloud dev environments to accelerate their pipeline

Obligate’s engineers expedite the feedback cycle with development environments that are actually production-like, end-to-end tests during development, and one-click preview environments.
Read the Case Study

Rapidly iterate with code syncing and smart caching

Garden reduces wait times by selectively retesting and rebuilding only the parts of your stack that have changed.
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I used to have to wait days to see my changes in real environments, in a messy shared staging environment. Now I get my own environment from scratch and test my changes in seconds.
Michell Friedman
Software Engineer, Oaknorth

Spin up ephemeral environments on demand

Devs can spin up the entire system in a single command, preventing provisioning bottlenecks and promoting autonomy.
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Garden minimizes the time we spend on DevOps-type tasks and lets us focus on shipping features.
Josh Drake
Principle Engineer, Minted

Improve cross-team collaboration with one-click preview environments

Product and QA can autonomously spin up environments to review with one click.
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Having a shareable, production-like environment for pre-release user testing and design review has increased the quality of our releases.
Arnaud Rinquin Picture
Arnaud Rinquin  
Senior Developer, Slite

Don't set your laptop on fire

With Garden, devs don’t need to worry about installing, configuring and and running resource-intensive tools. That means shorter onboarding times, faster coding, and an icey cool computer 😎
Calculate time saved

Work with tools you already love

Garden fits into your existing set up – we’re just filling in the gaps between tools.
How it works

Keep cloud costs low

With automatic environment cleanup, you can configure Garden Cloud to automatically delete Kubernetes Namespace resources deployed with Garden, saving on infrastructure costs.
Keep things tidy